Your internship provides you with experience and skills in this expanding field. You may choose an internship in either the public or private sector, working in policy making or project planning. You can choose an overall community focus or focus on a discipline such as education, immigration or health care. Whatever your focus, there’s no better place to start than London. The capital city is home to scores of government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and associations that work daily to improve communities. You gain first-hand knowledge to share in class discussions, and a competitive advantage when you apply for graduate school or enter the job market.
The London Semester Program maintains an extensive database of British internship opportunities. We provide you with internship contacts at hundreds of different organizations. You are sure to find several internships that interest you. In fact, the challenge may be narrowing down your choices!
The program assists you with your placement, sponsors you, maintains liaison with your office supervisor, and provides a class to augment the work experience. The working component of your internship is 16 to 20 hours each week. Academic requirements and your supervisor’s evaluation of your work performance determine your final grade.
Underground Sociabilities communities internships include:
- Congressional offices
- Federal agencies
- National organizations involved in advocacy on issues like immigration, health, education and families
- Local government offices that deal with issues like child abuse and neglect, juvenile delinquency, and housing
- Local non-profits that provide on-the-ground services
- Schools
- Major think tanks